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Serves: 6

Serves: 6
Total time:  1 hour 20 minutes

Serve with a simple tossed salad or grilled asparagus.


  • 1 pound frozen butter puff pastry, thawed
    1 tsp (5 mL) olive oil
    450 g spring bulb onions, trimmed and sliced
    2 tbsp (30 mL) balsamic vinegar
    2 tsp (10 mL) liquid honey
    1/4 tsp (1 mL) each salt and pepper
    1 tsp (5 mL) chopped fresh thyme
    1 egg, beaten
    2 tbsp (30 mL) whipping cream 35%
    1 tbsp (15 mL) Dijon mustard
    1-1/4 cups (300 mL) shredded Gruyère or Comté cheese


  • Unroll puff pastry; press into fluted 9-inch (23 cm) tart pan with removable bottom. Line with foil; fill with pie weights or dried beans. Bake on bottom rack in 400 F (200 C) oven for 20 minutes. Remove weights and foil; let cool in pan on rack.

    Meanwhile, in skillet, heat oil over medium-high heat; cook onions, stirring, until golden, about 3 minutes. Add 1/4 cup water; reduce heat to medium. Cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until no liquid remains and onions are soft, about 5 to 8 minutes.

    Stir in vinegar, honey and half each of the salt and pepper; cook, stirring, until onions are dark golden, about 8 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in 3/4 tsp of the thyme. Set aside.

    Stir together egg, cream, mustard, and remaining salt and pepper. Sprinkle bottom of pastry with half of the Gruyère or Comté cheese; top with onion mixture. Pour egg mixture over top; sprinkle with remaining cheese and thyme.

    Bake in 400 F (200 C) oven until crust is golden and knife inserted in centre comes out clean, about 25 minutes. Let stand for 10 minutes before cutting into wedges.
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